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Crafting Study Habits that Prioritize Your Child's Well-Being


Tips from Teachers

Insights and Ideas from Smart Love teachers and tutors on how to help your children have a successful school year!

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Engaging your children in creating a space to work on their homework after school helps to build agency and maintain positive associations with learning and school. Below are some insights that go beyond the traditional recommendations for study habits.


Designated Study Space: Have a conversation with your child to get their thoughts on what kind of daily or weekly study schedule would work best for them, perhaps it's right after school or after some time to decompress from their day. Discuss where they would like to do their homework throughout the year. If they don't offer it themselves suggest a space where they can have easy access to your support, like the kitchen table, kitchen island, or dining room table, as having immediate access to your support can help to reduce frustration if they become confused with their work. Other areas for input could be what kind of lighting, pens, chairs, etc. they would like to use. And lastly try to limit distractions like TV, video games, or social media notifications.


Organizational Tools: Ask your child to show you how they access their google classrooms and other communication and organization tools. If there is uncertainty, do not hesitate to reach out to teachers to learn how to access this information. Parents can also model how they use their planners, phones, calendars, and other organizational tools.


Providing Care & Adjusting Expectations: Sometimes children will breeze through their homework and other days it may be more challenging. Be open to this kind of variability as kids have a full life at school, composed of ups and downs that they need to navigate throughout their day. If your child is getting frustrated, step in and suggest a small break like taking the dog for a walk or playing a quick game of Uno. Share with your child that while they are studying or doing their homework it's normal for minds to wander or get distracted and taking a break is a way of taking care of yourself and your mind. If your child continues to struggle after a break it may be because they have been at it too long or the content is too hard and they are communicating that they are feeling overwhelmed. Even though your child may have more homework to do, when they start to exhibit this kind of behavior, it's important for parents to model adjustments to changing needs by coming up with an alternative plan that also helps regulate children from being hard on themselves. This could look like finding an alternative time to complete the work or communicating efforts with the teacher like requesting additional time, help, or other support the teacher may be able to offer.


Model Active Learning: Show curiosity and enthusiasm by discussing what they are learning at dinner or other family times together. Be careful not to pepper your child with questions as this can cause anxiety for children, but follow their lead on what they would like to share.


Routine Reviews: Check in to see how their routine is going and make adjustments if needed. Maintain an open dialogue with your child about their study habits, organization skills, what is working and what isn't, offering guidance and support when requested.


Celebrate Progress: Celebrate milestones and improvements in your child's study habits, reinforcing the value of their efforts and dedication.


By incorporating these elements into your child's study routine, you can help them develop successful study habits that will serve them well throughout their educational journey. Remember to adapt these strategies to suit your child's individual learning style and preferences. If your child is demonstrating persistent frustrations, reach out to their teacher to see if professional help may be needed.

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