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5 min read
Striking a Balance: Managing Parental Stress and Building Connection
Parenting has always been stressful, but it seems that American parents have reached a new level of stress, as indicated by the surgeon...

5 min read
Helping Children Navigate Life Events
Starting school, moving to a new home, welcoming a new sibling. Change is a constant of life and whether big or small, it can prompt...

5 min read
Why Consequences Are Counterproductive and What Parents Can Do Instead
Discipline, like many parenting responsibilities, can often leave parents feeling confused and frustrated. It can be difficult to know...

4 min read
Say “No” to Chores and “Yes” to Family Bonding
Getting children to help around the house can often be fraught — it can involve nagging, bribing, etc. — and end up being such an...

4 min read
How Nurturing Agency Can Strengthen Your Child’s Confidence
From birth, children seek their parents’ love and attention and have a strong desire to explore the world around them. As they grow, the...

4 min read
‘Paying the Piggy Bank’ – The Power of Parents’ Positive Time, Energy, and Attention
You may have heard the saying “paying the piggy bank” or “feeding the parking meter” in relation to a child’s emotional well-being....

5 min read
Finding Balance: Navigating Conflicting Parenting Emotions
Parenthood can be a remarkable journey filled with moments of joy, wonder, and love. Yet, it can also be emotionally challenging. From...

4 min read
Understanding the Key to Children’s Inner Well-Being
Parents, especially new ones, are confronted with countless parenting theories, and strategies to guide them through parenthood. Among...

3 min read
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Happiness: A Parent’s Role
The common wish of all parents is to raise happy children. However, this seemingly positive, and even altruistic, wish can be a rather...

4 min read
“Are you leaving the house like that?!” Teens & Clothing
In their march toward independence and self-discovery, it is not uncommon for teens to be at odds with their parents from time to time....

4 min read
Whoppers, Tall Tales, and White Lies — The Meaning Behind Toddler Behavior
All parents will experience joys, challenges, and especially surprises as their children grow and develop, but one behavior that can...

5 min read
Lockdown Drills: Providing Emotional Support
If you have school-age children, you’re probably aware of “active shooter” or “lockdown” drills. Unlike the fire drills many parents are...

5 min read
Nurturing Well-Being in a Perfection-Obsessed World
The start of another school year brings with it a focus on achievement – in grades, athletics, and other activities. As parents, we...

4 min read
The Sharing Dilemma: When and How to Nurture Your Toddler’s Generosity
Learning to Share—it’s a skill all parents want to instill in their children in the hope that they will grow up to be generous and...

5 min read
Short-Term Vision: The Problem with Most Parenting Advice
Every parent knows that parenting can be one of the toughest and demanding jobs they will ever have. In addition to keeping their...

4 min read
What is the Engine Behind a Child's Love of Learning? Understanding the Link Between Social and Emotional Development and School Success
Over the past 15 years, there has been an increased emphasis on children’s social and emotional development in early childhood and...

6 min read
Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf . . . When It Comes to Preschool, What’s the Difference?
If you have a young child who is approaching three or four years old, you may be thinking about preschool and finding one that’s a good...

6 min read
Hello? Are you listening to me?! – Insight into Teen (and Tween) Behavior
As any parent of a teen will tell you, it’s sometimes hard to get a teenager’s attention. They seem to be tuning you out. This lack of...

5 min read
If The Elf on The Shelf is Harmless, Why is My Toddler Terrified?
When the holidays roll around, so do the many traditions that can make them more festive and magical. Some of these traditions are...

5 min read
Self-Esteem: The Link Between Children’s Self-Worth and Parents’ Kindness
Parents usually view their children’s self-esteem as the key to their happiness and future success. They believe that with healthy...
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